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Sunday, September 13, 2009

Putting the right priority on learning

What is the fuss about learning all these new movements, skills, programs and what-have-you from the net? Didn’t we really learn enough from school already? Why are so many people getting into this e-learning solutions thing? I guess good, old-fashioned reading really isn’t doing it for people nowadays, is it? I mean, I remember the days when all a person had to do to make themselves better is to just simply pick up a good book on the issue and then trying their best to implement what they learned. I even got caught on those audio self-help courses, trying some of them myself. While they really weren’t my cup of tea, I have to admit that they did have a level of efficacy, since mainly they did have a good retention rate because of the audio component. I think people tend to retain information if they get to hear it a few times over. I understand that people really do want to get over all that ignorance and mediocrity brought on by all the hash and tripe served up by mindless television, but I think they should really re-evaluate their reasons for taking up supposed self-improvement courses such as these e-learning tools before they really plunge headlong into it. It is always good to constantly improve oneself, but retention and better absorption of the new knowledge is only fueled best and made even better by a true sense of purpose.

e-learning solutions

Did these people really want to use what they learned in a practical application, such as an office setting? Did they really take up a learning management system to improve their output at work or do they just want the supposed bragging rights that come with it, since they supposedly know something that most other people don’t know? I really think it’s important to stop and seriously ponder what they want to learn first, and why they want to learn it before they really commit to it.

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