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Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Why should I Care about Partner Loyalty?

For any business owner, managing your own business is hard and it only gets tougher when you also have to care about other people’s business. I am taking about partners and not exactly their partner profiles. Its basic knowledge in any channel management strategy that administering some of your partner’s operations is a given, especially if your company is considered the parenting one. The channel distribution network is dependent on the performance of the partner. However, just knowing that they are important to keep the business flowing is not enough.

Whether you like it or not, partner loyalty actually plays a big role in this triangular, web relationship. If loyalty is strong within the partners, that would imply that the members are committed enough or sometimes more than willing to make the business work for everyone in the relationship. The more they are loyal to the relationship, the more you can expect your productivity and sales to increase. However, this is often not the case.

So what do we do? If you are someone who ranks high within the organization, there is only one thing to do: inspire them. Although this is easier said than done, there are a lot of ways to do this.

First, putting incentives in various aspects of their performance such as a perfect attendance or a “beat the record” kind of incentive would definitely boost their performance. Competitions that promise and guarantees huge prizes or rewards within the company will also help them in increasing their efficiency at work. Although be aware though, as this type of strategy is a double edge sword because some workers may put down their skills if they usually see the same people winning the contest. Add benefits or privileges to their work. Everybody loves working when they know that their work has something to offer that other people can’t have or do outside the company. Even freebies are a good push to the will when it comes to the labor of hard selling.

The bottom line of this is that the overall business relationship will strengthen, hold and grow if the members are more than willing to improve the status of the company. So for all you managers out there, be more sensitive and understanding to your partners and employees and not merely pay attention to their partner profiles.

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